Blog Journal 3

 Hello again! I hope that y'all are having the best day!


So today I'm going to be discussing copyright and fair use. As teachers were often tasked with making lesson plans, handing out works sheets etc. But how do we overcome the issues of copyright? The simple answer would be to just create your own work, but unfortunately it's not that easy. Things like pictures, or even worksheets can be considered copyright. We can get around this problem by getting license's with Creative Commons. We can also encourage our students to do the same when working on online projects!

Academic Dishonesty and Productivity

But, encouragement only goes so far. In this day in age it's almost impossible to prevent students from "looking up" answers, or copying from the internet. Because of this it is imperative that we have an Academic Policy stating the repercussions of doing such a thing. We can also positively redirect students to helpful resources to gather information to aid them in further learning. We can also teach students the proper ways to source materials to avoid plagiarism. Another issue for a umber of students these days is procrastination. Now, don't get me wrong, I am one of the worlds biggest procrastinators, so I understand the struggles. One way I've learned has helped me and that I think can help students is taking larger projects and breaking them down into smaller assignments. Sometimes a large project with a far-future due-date can feel very overwhelming and cause students to put it off until the night before. By breaking this project up it can help students be more productive and create healthy habits.


This past week I spent a couple days crafting a newsletter for a "fake" eighth grade class. I had so much fun working on this assignment, playing around with layouts, and banners. I learned how to create borders on text boxes in Microsoft word, as well as how to attach a permalink to an image! These skills will help me on my future endeavors using Microsoft programs, as well as creating newsletters for my future classes someday! Below is the newsletter I created. 


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