Blog Journal 4

Before we dive in today, a bit of an overview of what were going to be talking about. We're going to touch base on topics related to ELA technology standards, some tools that an awesome website provides us educators, as well as how to conduct good internet searching. 

The ELA Standards and Technology Matrix for Grade 8 Students discusses many ways in which we educators can teach and help students to learn about the ways that technology can be helpful in the classroom. Standard LAFS.8.SL.2.5 explains the ways in which teachers should be able to discuss the uses of multimedia platforms and programs like iMovie or online poster creators, in the everyday classroom. We as educators should be able to teach our students the importance of knowing how to use these programs as they can prove to be helpful in strengthening evidence and increase visual likability as well. 

One way in which us educators can receive help in creating lessons that integrate the learning of such skills above is using the resources that are available to us. CPALMS is a great website for Florida educators and is available to those out of state as well. One of the tools that CPALMS has available is a tentatively guided lesson plan schedule. This tool gives a break down of books being taught, and teaches educators how to properly conduct analysis that is easily understandable and engaging for 8th Graders in this instance. 

Ex: Analysis of "The Monkey's Paw"
Ex: Analysis of "The Monkey's Paw", ELA Grade 8
One thing about creating lesson plans using the internet is the difficulty navigating copyright infringement. While pictures and visuals are fun to include in lesson plans and lecture PowerPoints, we need to be careful. One skill that can be helpful to avoid copyright infringement is using Google Images Tools. Using the dropdown menu when searching in Google Images we can filter out any images that are not protected by the Creative Commons User Agreement. 

Searching for cats in Google Images using tools


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