Blog Journal 2

Hi again! So today we're going to talk about using some Microsoft software's in education. Because of my age I was on the cusp of still using Microsoft software's in grade school. When I got to 7th grade, my class became the "test run" class per say of students that got to use our own personal school laptops. We started to use Google Chromebooks. In my previous experience, like I said earlier, had always been using Microsoft but because we were now using Google products, we started using Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc. Then when I got to college, I got a personal laptop which was a Microsoft laptop. I like both but prefer Microsoft just because I'm more familiar with it. It's all about personal preference. 

The second thing I wanted to touch on today was the ISTE Standards for Educators. There are multiple standards that a lot of educators relate too. These standards are all about using technology to help us future or teachers best educate students. I personally identify most with the Designer standard. This standard stresses the importance of creating lesson plans and methods of teaching to accommodate all different types of learners. I have personal experience when dealing with ADHD and the idea of a teacher taking the time to come up with a method of teaching that best fits my needs is a dream. Some other people are visual learners and technology presents the opportunity to create lessons that can cater to this as well!

Have you ever heard of the term "digital native"? What is means in layman's terms is that people born into an era of technology are better at using it over people who had to adapt to the new technological era. I would be considered a digital native and my teachers would be considered digital immigrants. I think the terms are a lose representation of the user reliability in technology. There are advantages of growing up in world filled with technology. You get taught earlier in life the "ropes" and this has proven to be pretty beneficial for me as technology is now something I use in my everyday school life. But this is not to say that someone who did not grow up in this environment can't be just as good as someone who did. I think this idea of people growing up in a technology heavy environment can only be increased in the future generation of students. 


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